FOAB Information

Tuesday 2 April 2013

IDS, What A Stunt

It's always the same when a rich person tells a poor one how they could live on their money. The poor person says 'go on then' and the rich one splutters a bit and then comes up with a list of reasons why they couldn't possibly which is exactly what Iain Duncan Smith, the man responsible for the benefit cuts introduced this week, has done.
A petition here titled £53 p/w? Prove it IDS has 320,711 signatories asking the Minister to put his money where his mouth is and prove he could live it but IDS has dismissed it as a 'complete stunt' and insisted that he knows what it is like to be on the breadline because he has twice been unemployed.
Although he probably regretted it as soon as he said it, what could be a better way to prove that we are indeed all in it together than for the man who is taking even more from the people with the least on the same day that the top rate of tax cuts come into effect therefore giving more to those with the most.    
What a great PR exercise for the Tories if he did go ahead with it, might take away the shame of his CV forging scandal a decade ago which claimed 'accidently' included a more exclusive University and a spell at the Dunchurch College of Management which turned out to refer to a weekend course.
When you include the dubious salary claims Duncan Smith made to his wife as part of the expenses expose, no wonder he was unemployed twice, it would seem only the Tories would take him on but what a great PR exercise it could be for the Tories if he did accept the challenge. 
As he was the one making the boast, he should do as the people demand or admit that he was wrong.
If he did go through with it, it would look great on his CV, he could put it underneath the masters degree in economics from Hogworts that has somehow appeared on it.
It does seem that there are many people backing IDS though. Just today i heard many people saying IDS, a complete stunt.
I think that's what people were saying but it was a bit noisy.

1 comment:

  1. think people should take that - I was on the dole in 1981 been there , bought the T-shirt , this is just a stunt bit from IDS with a very large pinch of salt ??

    He'd have been on a good salary as a bag carrier for a general ...sorry I mean Officer ...only Army board to pay out .......if he was made redundant ....the MOD would have seen him all right ? .....a bit different from people who'd been on YTS schemes , living from day to day , week to week , hand to mouth ; doing part time ; shock horror a bit of ducking and diving as they say ? .....he'd have some savings etc ?

    I'm sure the dole offices and job centres in the worst part of the Thatcher depression would have been full of redundant ex army officers ? .....not .........also he was South East based .......a bit different from the North , Midlands , Scotland & Wales .....which was a bit grim to say the least

    He'd have got work , maybe he couldn't have been too choosy ? but not necessarily the career and associated salary he was accustomed to ? so his I'm like you protestations are straw man's stuff

    Sorry IDS but I've been around far too long
