FOAB Information

Thursday 2 May 2013


I am not in anyway affiliated to any e-cigarette manufacturer or earn commission or are paid by the e-cigarette industry for using and advising their products, but i should be.
I have been using e-cigarettes for around 9 months now and if got paid by the person that i have driven to the e-cigarette business i could afford to start smoking again.
It is surprising the amount of people i see standing around puffing on a fake cigarette with a glowing red light at the tip now and as i was a guinea pig for e-cigarettes, many friends and colleagues waited to see how i got on with them before diving in themselves.
Now there there is a small collection of us who stand around the bike sheds blowing out nicotine tinged water vapour and more joining all the time and i pass on my experience which is don't go for the smaller pen type ones such as the 510, you won't get enough of a hit from that and you will be forever charging the battery and go for a big one such as the Ego or the Riva.
What seems to happen is that most people (me included) start on the small ones and then find out about the bigger ones later and end up buying one of those so save yourself paying out twice and go straight for the bigger one, the battery lasts 4 times longer, has a better throat hit and you get twice as much vapour as from a 510 style cigarette.
As Imperial Tobacco announced that tobacco net revenues are down 5.9%, it seems that smokers switching to e-cigarettes are actually affecting their profits.
The whole reason for this post is to give some advice to anyone, and there seems to be lots of them about, who is considering packing up smoking and trying e-cigarettes and my advice is to do it but be choosy.
The last time i posted about e-cigarettes i got comments from people linking to their own e-cigarette sites and they were all the 510 small type which are about the size of a real cigarette.
My own experience is that these are not very good and if i hadn't deleted them i could have listed them here as ones to avoid so save your money and go for these types straight away, this is the one i and my colleagues use and this is the bad boy you should be looking for. Good luck and if the e-cigarette retailers turn up leaving messages and links to their sites, ignore them, they are mostly pushing the types to avoid if you seriously want to stop.
Just to make it simple for British readers, here's the one i use but there are plenty of others available.

If anyone from Vapeescape stumbles across this post then some nicotine as commission for the hundreds of pounds of business i have put your way would be gratefully accepted and guarantee future recommendations. You're welcome.   

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