FOAB Information

Wednesday 1 May 2013


A five-year-old has accidentally shot dead his two-year-old sister as he played with the rifle which he was given as a birthday present last year.
Five year old, rifle as a birthday present. Mad. mad, mad. 


  1. I know what you're saying. However, if they're not trained up to use firearms at this very early age, how are they going to be able to defend themselves against the ATF/Al Qaeda/the Nazis/the British/etc when they launch their combined invasion?

  2. I didn't think we were meant to talk about that. They keep putting it back but the latest newsletter from the Invade America Committee seems to think it will be some time in October.

  3. lucy,

    it is both sad and mad. it was easily preventable. it is indefensible gross negligence.

    i understand why you care about this 2 year old girl. what i don't get is why you don't care about people until they come out their of mom's uterus?


  4. How did you get i don't care about people until they come out of their mums uterus from these 40 words?

  5. i didn't i got it from numerous prior posts the past 5 years...


  6. I'm pro-choice.

  7. I think you may be getting me confused with someone else you may have read over the past 5 years. Feel free to quote me on any of my blog posts where i have expressed a view on abortion though, all i could find was a Ronald Reagan quote.
