FOAB Information

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Kerry Slip May Bring Peace

John Kerry is in the doghouse tonight as his reply to a question about what Syrian President Assad could do to avoid a military strike was to hand over his entire stockpile of chemical weapons within the next week could have scuppered his bosses plan for launching missiles as Damascus.
With the words barely out of the Secretary of State's mouth, Russia was asking Syria to put its chemical weapons stockpiles under international control and then have them destroyed, a plan which the Syrians said they welcomed and which the United Nations agreed to, asking the Security Council to approve a safe zone in Syria where the weapons could then be destroyed.
While all this was going on between Russia, the UN and Syria, the Americans were floundering that it wasn't
actually a serious offer, just 'rhetorical' before bowing to pressure and giving cautious approval to the proposal.
After all his efforts to drum up support for his plans, with war the only option they would consider, Obama must be mad as hell that John Kerry has inadvertently taken the wind out of that particular sail with his slip that leaves a chink of light for Syria to avoid being bombed back to the Stone Age.
As much as Obama has come out of this looking more of a GWB style warmonger, the Russians have played a great game, seeming to be a step ahead of the blundering Obama camp at every turn and unless the Americans use this as a pretext to use the Iraq style 'disposal of WMD' and turn it into Syria removing all their chemical weapons instead of a punishment for using chemical weapons as it has been until now, sanity may have prevailed even if by a blunder by the Secretary of State.
Maybe Putin could be looking at a Nobel Peace Prize in the near future.


  1. About 99.9% of americans wanted war on 9/11 and the Brits, French, Germans, and Russians said Saddam had WMD's.

    Now 70% of americans have had enough. i wish that kerry had not said it (though I don't beleive it was an accident) because i think Obama would have gone with public opinion... now we will not know.


  2. I have read a few people saying it wasn't an accident and it was to shift the Obama gang away from the dodgy ground of Assad launching a chemical attack of which they obviously have no evidence to the safer ground of Syria having Chemical weapons which everyone knows they have.

  3. they seem to have lots of evidence. i don't think they have shown that they have 100% proof.


  4. I think if they did have evidence they would be plastering the media with it but as they are not, they can't have. They keep saying they are certain and it is beyond doubt Assad forces carried out the chemical attack but won't, or can't, show us why they are so certain although they are desperate to get support for attacking Syria.

  5. Our press, left leaning, thinks the evidence is conclusive. In fact on Diane Rehm show 3 journalists said the evidence shows that the attack requires capabilities that the rebels don't have, so it had to be the government

