FOAB Information

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Who Goes There?

Under the second amendment, American citizens have the right to own a gun and not even something as inconsequential as being blind trumps that.
Iowa newspaper, the Des Moines Register, has ran a series of reports on the state granting gun permits to people who are legally or completely blind. In one county, officials say they have granted gun permits to people whose vision is so impaired that they can't legally drive or read the application forms.
'It seems a little strange' admitted the Polk County sheriff’s office, 'but the way the law reads, we can’t deny
them a permit based on that one thing'.
To most right minds blind people and guns don’t go together, even fully sighted people and guns shouldn't but in America that second amendment wins again.
Jim Bob, hand mamma her gun. Then point me in the right direction. And then duck, cause mamma got a vague blob shaped thing over there to shoot at dagnabit.


  1. should blind folks be prevented from buying a car or a TV?

    should people that can't hold a tune be able to buy a microphone?

    should bald people be prevented from buying a comb?

    come on Lucy.


  2. Blind man with a gun as dangerous as a bald man with a comb? Next time you go blasting animals for your jollies take a hairbrush and see how far you get.

  3. one can own a gun without shooting it, kinda like women own china and never eat on it...

    i shoot animals for food not for jollies - unless jollies is a british word for hamhocks or something like that.


  4. Jollies is a British word for having a fun/good time.

    I thought you said you shot animals because you were doing them a favour because they might die by being eaten by bears or run over or face a horrible death some other way otherwise?

  5. That would be mercy killing


  6. I don't know why we bother with vets then.

  7. Well they put down animals with drugs instead of a gun. But I've seen it done and if isn't all that wonderful inducing s heart attack...


  8. They also heal and care for them so i am led to believe.

  9. dogs, cats, yeah. doves, quail, ducks and geese... really?

    deer, javelina... i don't think so


  10. Yep, ALL wild animals in conjunction with the RSPCA. Got a jaded Javelina or a dicky Deer? Bring it in and let the vet take a look at it.

  11. Jollies, jaded...i wonder how many other British words beginning with the letter J you don't know.

  12. ok, in merica, jaded means morally impure. how is a javelina impure?

    dickey, i'm clueless.

    jollies means fun in merican too, i was messing with you in my earlier comment


  13. Jaded here means lack of enthusiasm or bored.
    Dicky means something that isn't working quite right, a popular saying is if someone has heart problems, they have a a dicky ticker or if your computer isn't doing what it should, you may have a dicky hard drive.
    I did have to look up what a Javelina was though.

  14. Damn just saw a dead squirrel in the road, rather dicky I'd say, and thought "poor squirrel if you were British instead of Texan you might be alive because in the UK someone would have called an ambulance and given it mouth to mouth until they could get it to the squirrel ER..." Poor squirrel.


  15. I imagine most of the wildlife in Texas wishes they were British, then they wouldn't have people blasting them with guns for their jollies.
