FOAB Information

Friday 29 November 2013


China declares a no fly zone and threatens to shoot down any planes inside it without permission and within a week Japan, South Korea and America fly their planes through it. 
Are we really ruled over by such idiots?
Idiot China for expanding their air-space in such a provocative way just to lay claim to a few rocks.
Idiot America, Japan and South Korea for then flying their planes through it.
Now we are in a situation where China will have to back up its threats to shoot down planes or lose face and America, Japan and South Korea are in a situation where they can't be seen to bow to Chinese pressure and keep their planes away.
Someone is going to have to blink first or we are going to end up with a downed plane and the horrific repercussions.
Why is it that the human race always seem to be heading towards a war with someone? We truly are ruled over by idiots.


  1. Yep. All the leaders are human and driven by fear. Only thing worse is when the masses are stirred up.


  2. How long would Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea last without an alliance with the US...

  3. Robot leaders q, that's the answer.

    They certainly would have to play nicely if they didn't have that alliance.

  4. Play nice... I would say they would have to surrender.

