FOAB Information

Thursday 28 November 2013

Sun Wins Comet Battle

It was always a danger but after 4.6 billion years, it seems that Comet Ison has met a fiery end courtesy of our star.
Scientists believe the Comet has failed to make it around the Sun, pulled aprt by its immense gravity, to deny us a spectacular show next month.
NASA scientists are reporting a trail of dense particles which suggests that it was destroyed as it reached its closest point to the Sun.
'We don't think it survived because we don't see any new dust' said the NASA boffin, a view confirmed by the European Space Agency who have now declared the death of the comet at about 21:30 GMT.
'Our Soho scientists have confirmed, Comet Ison is gone' Esa's twitter feed announced.
Such a shame.


  1. But in this morning's news, it seems some of it may have survived...

  2. I saw that also, part of it may have made it around so have to see what happens now.

  3. Global warming melted it...


  4. Q's on the ball as ever, science-wise.

  5. comet warming then...

