FOAB Information

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Back To Aled In The Morning

For the past few weeks i have woken up to find someone careering down a snowy hill on my television but the party is over, the snowboards have been packed away and the Winter Olympics are over for another four years.
So it's back to Aled Jones, Lorraine Kelly and Laura the weather girl first thing in the morning but what a treat the last couple of weeks have been in Sochi.
Because of the time difference, i did miss most of the live action and watched most of it on catch-up but i did see Great Britain bring home our equal best medal haul, 4.
Russia topped the league followed by Norway and then Canada, all places that have plenty of snow to practise on.
The Australians once again spent another Olympics looking below the GBR name in the medals table as it limped in 24th while the Great British Team came home 19th, one place behind Finland and three ahead of Italy who have an Alps to practise on so they have no excuse.
Key highlights were Shaun White giving an interview and arrogantly muttering about not losing and winning anything other than gold not being an option before duly coming in 4th. Then there were the three skiers who fell at the end of the Ski Cross with the silver medal awarded to the skier who fell facing forward as his hands went across first as the other two slithered backwards.
The Brazilian bobsleigh team who crashed on almost the first corner and careered down the rest of the course on its side, the four Olympic rings in the opening ceremony as the fifth failed to open, Vanessa Mae participating for Thailand and the US bobsledder who got stuck in the toilet by a dodgy lock on the door but still went through it anyway by smashing a massive hole in it. 
Elise Christie getting disqualified in her first race, missing the finishing line in her second race and then taken out by a South Korean skater in the third race and Jenny Jones taking bronze in the snowboard was a great moment.
My highlight though has to be the curling. It is a strange looking sport, can't think of many others when your sport kit contains a broom but it was all very exciting.
It may take a while to regain my morning regime without watching men in tight fitting lycra bodysuits filling my screen while i eat my cornflakes. Unless of course Aled and the other guy who does the entertainment news on Daybreak want to ditch the suits and give it a go.
Not you though Laura, you just concentrate on the isobars.

1 comment:

  1. I always wondered who it was who watched Daybreak...
