FOAB Information

Friday 28 February 2014

What The Privatised Royal Mail Did Next

The Royal Mail made a profit of £403 million last year, money that went into the public coffers but then in their wisdom, the Conservatives decided to sell off the Royal Mail and privatised it so instead of the public getting the money to pay for services, the money to go directly into someones bank account instead.
As we have found out time and time again, privatisation is only good for the new owners and shareholders as a small number of people make more money from the privatisation and the customers get a more expensive service.
Five months after the privatisation, the Royal Mail has announced price rises in the cost of stamps because a profit of £403 million isn't enough.
And there you go, that's privatisation for you. Crap 'innit.


  1. You are right lucy. I did the maths snd every brit could have recieved damn near 4 pounds had that money gone to the people. I say start a riot. Destroy things. I mean, just think how 4 pounds could have changed your life!!!


  2. Or we could have kept a hospital open or bought new textbooks for schools or hired more nurses. Strange how your first thought was 'how much would each person get' and not 'what could we use that money for to improve the UK'.
    As i keep saying to you, right wing views are selfish, therefore very wrong.

  3. Communism has not worked since humans learned to speak...


  4. Your post was about the profit i just noted how little it was per person to illustrate the triviality while you were trying to make it sound huge. In reality it is trival from a national perspective.

    One hospital for the UK is also trivial.


  5. come on lucy, this whole post of yours says "profit is evil" and maybe it is. but communism and profit are mutually exclusive. all for one and one for all is communism...

    the desired outcome of the left is not evil, the methods are.


  6. The whole post is saying privatisation means the service becomes more expensive (as proven here) but more importantly it takes money away from the government coffers and into the pockets of shareholders. Nothing evil in wanting to share the wealth for the benefit of everyone, plenty evil about it only benefiting a few.

  7. once again I don't understand you.

    Let me break it down further for you.

    Royal Mail last year owned by Government made Government £403m. Government uses money to hire more nurses, buy school text book etc.

    Royal mail this year owned by private company makes private company £403m. Company owner buys a new yacht.

  8. As a side point, has anyone had the misfortune of buying something off the internet only to have it given to a 'delivery' company called 'Yodel'.

    If you're lucky it'll be put inside your front bin (with no note to say where it is), or given to a neighbour you don't know, or thrown onto your back lawn with a minimum of damage.

    If you're unlucky the impact will destroy the contents, or else it'll never be delivered at all. And, bien sur, there's no way to contact anyone who works there. They make sure of that.

    At least, when your stuff is passed onto the RM for dispatch, you end up with the goods.

  9. I haven't had any experience of it myself but i know some people who have come home to find parcels on the doorstep or things in dustbins and have been asked to take stuff in for a neighbour and not been asked to sign for it. That has happened quite a few times actually.

  10. our postal service is complex. It is no longer a government service, but it gets government support including income tax exemption and loans from the fed. In spite of the tax exemption and free federal loans, the post office has run large financial losses for many years and now owes 15-thousand-million-dollars to the fed and is defaulting on payments to the fed.

    Consider this:
    Almost all of our bills and payments are now electronic.
    Almost all of our private communiqués are now electronic.
    Almost all of our periodicals (new papers and magazines) are now electronic.
    FedEx and UPS package volume continues to grow steadily.
    Yet since 2000, the US post office built new post office buildings across the nation.

    a truly private company would have made changes long ago, but being a pseudo-government entity, the US post office has been able to continue on in its very wasteful ways for many years. Instead of cutting costs, the US post office has doubled down on waste by spending billions of dollars on new post offices across the nation... I predict that they will waste billions more before 2020 by replacing the gasoline powered delivery trucks with electric trucks.

    But hey, to my government I am just a tax source that exists to fund the people that despise my views and my way of life


  11. our postal service is complex. It is no longer a government service, but it gets government support including income tax exemption and loans from the fed. In spite of the tax exemption and free federal loans, the post office has run large financial losses for many years and now owes 15-thousand-million-dollars to the fed and is defaulting on payments to the fed.

    Consider this:
    Almost all of our bills and payments are now electronic.
    Almost all of our private communiqués are now electronic.
    Almost all of our periodicals (new papers and magazines) are now electronic.
    FedEx and UPS package volume continues to grow steadily.
    Yet since 2000, the US post office built new post office buildings across the nation.

    a truly private company would have made changes long ago, but being a pseudo-government entity, the US post office has been able to continue on in its very wasteful ways for many years. Instead of cutting costs, the US post office has doubled down on waste by spending billions of dollars on new post offices across the nation... I predict that they will waste billions more before 2020 by replacing the gasoline powered delivery trucks with electric trucks.

    But hey, to my government I am just a tax source that exists to fund the people that despise my views and my way of life

