FOAB Information

Friday 18 March 2016

EU Turkey Deal

With the warmer weather coming the European Union are desperate to avoid scenes from last year when refugees fleeing war zones in the Middle East washed up literally on Greece shores from launch sites in Turkey.
Turkey have not been quick to shut down the illegal operations which see people traffickers guide desperate people the short distance across the sea between Turkey and Greece and therefore into the EU and have told the EU that they will make a deal to hold the refugees in Turkey in return for Ankara wants €6 billion, visa-free travel for its citizens and a fast-track entry to the European Union.
As Turkey fails on so many of the qualifying criteria for membership of the EU, the idea of inviting Turkey to become the 29th Member State has been baulked at on many occasions by almost every nation but feeling the tension Turkey are pushing to blackmail it's way in for its 77 million population.
After days of negotiations the Turks have dropped their demands and have accepted 're-energised talks on its EU membership' and €3bn financial aid package.
There are no guarantee of any sorts for Turkey for it joining the EU which is its ultimate goal so i do wonder just why the Turks have caved in to EU demands so easily.
It gets half the money it wanted but little more than a promise that at some point in the future we may look again at its application knowing full well that it has been turned down on every previous occasion and will probably be refused again or face a split in its own members who do not want to see its borders open to 77 million Turks.
Something seems out of kilter on the EU side who seem to have got what they wanted far too easily.

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