FOAB Information

Saturday 19 March 2016

Ian Duncan Smith Still Tory Scum

The Conservative Party have lived up to their nickname of the nasty party by keeping up the austerity for the worst off by and tax cuts for high earners and claiming we are still all in together. 
George Osbourne announced in his budget £4bn of cuts to disability payments but a raise in the personal allowances so anyone earning above £42,500 gets a tax nice bonus.    
Step forward Ian Duncan Smith, the minister for Work and Pensions Secretary and whom would oversee the disability cuts who has resigned as he finds the cuts as 'morally indefensible'.
The resignation letter stated that: 'They are not defensible in the way they were placed within a budget that benefits higher-earning taxpayers' to which the Prime Minister relied that he was 'puzzled and disapointed' as the cuts had been agreed with Mr Smith before they were announced.
While Duncan Smith is being applauded for his moral outrage at the cuts, it should be remembered that he had no such outrage previously when he oversaw £30bn worth of welfare cuts including introducing the Universal Credit System which meant everyone on benefits lost money. 
It has also been revealed that his frustration grew from the Treasury refusing to consider cuts to State Pensions which is where he wanted to see the axe fall, on Old Age Pensioners.
It is hard to believe that the man who introduced the bedroom tax, disability and tax credit cuts and a ten fold increase in food banks which he described as a 'lifestyle choice' has suddenly found a conscience over further tax cuts and by resigning all he has done is seen one odious right wing scum replaced by another one who will be just as eager to implement the cuts to the nations poorest as Duncan Smith was over the past few years.


  1. Only those earning over £42500 get to keep a bit more, not anyone earning below that. All in it together and all that.

  2. The King? I know many of your views are stuck in 1952 but your history also??

  3. Nope, no idea. Are you sure you are answering on the right post?
