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Saturday 26 August 2017

Killer Robot, Android or Cyborg?

Isaac Asimov's 'Three Laws of Robotics' has long been held up as the golden rules that would stop robots overthrowing us humans and keeping some us in cages for their amusement but nobody seems to have told the military as they steam ahead creating killer robots which has resulted in over 100 of the world's top robotics experts asking the United Nations to ban them.
The Russian's have recently revealed the Kalashnikov's neural net combat module which can make its own targeting judgements without any human control and if the Russians are doing it, you can bet your Cyberdyne Systems series T-800 Model 101 Terminator doll the rest of the World's military are at it also. 
Good that the top robotic experts have our backs as Asimov's three laws all depend on a human programmer defining what a human is so far too easy to get around so better we don't rely on them but the world of artificial intelligence and robotics is moving so fast that it isn't only robots that we should be wary of, but also androids, cyborgs and bionics which until last week i thought was all the same thing so boy would i have been embarrassed if something came back from the future to eliminate my son before he become a saviour against machines in a post-apocalyptic future and i called it a robot. 
According to the nerds at Tech, a Robot is a machine designed to perform a task while an Android is a robot which is designed to mimic human behaviour and appearance while a cyborg is an organism which has synthetic hardware which interacts directly with the brain and Bionic is an organism which has mechanical or robotic hardware designed to augment or enhance the human body.
All very useless if you are being pursued by a heavily armed part organic, part synthetic life-form but no need to make them even more angry by getting their classification wrong.


  1. looks like us Texans need better guns and more ammo.

    122 of the nations in the UN want to eliminate nuclear weapons. Or as far left president Jimmy Carter would say "nucular" weapons. 68ish didn't vote. the Netherlands voted against the proposed treaty.

    South America and Africa essentially voted to start the treaty. In other words, NATO/America and their allies, Russia and their few allies, China and their few allies abstained.

    do you really think the super powers will count on the UN for protection? it is sad to think that humans are like this. it is sadder to think that some people (the left) think that people will change.

    the three laws will begin like this:

    A robot,

    1.) must not harm a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm unless the human is deemed an enemy

    2.) must obey the orders given it by human beings in charge, unless the human beings are deemed to be an enemy

    3.) may protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.


    PS - since MAD, there have been no major wars, when major is defined by the percentage of humans killed by war. raw numbers are still horrific, but percentages are way down since WW1 and WW2. In fact, since WW2 the biggest killers have been left wing governments. And they are killing their own peoples...

  2. Give it time, Kim and Don are doing their best to rectify things.
