FOAB Information

Thursday 24 August 2017

Not Treating Man-Flu

Poor hubby hasn't been very well for the past week but luckily we are inundated with health facts so we have been able to work out how to treat that awful case of man-flu.
Self-diagnosis on the internet is better than going to the Doctor's surgery because the internet tells us that the Doc's is the main place that viruses and colds end up, all those ill people coughing and sneezing in the waiting room apparently.
We won't be using those bottles of hand sanitiser either, the internet again explains that squirting dollops of the stuff  on your hands not only creates wrinkles because it dries out the skin but it also contains chemicals which can be very harmful if used frequently.
We have been told on numerous occasions that taking Antibiotics is helping to create resistant bacteria so lots of rest and water it is then only not the filtered or bottled kind which the bottled water companies filter out minerals that we need to be healthy when they purify their water.
I could give him painkillers but apparently some are not only addictive but can cause the onset of dementia and anti-histamine's are not much better as prolonged use can lead to a significantly higher risk for developing Alzheimer’s.
Maybe some healthy eating will ease his pain but off the menu come fish as some types of fish contain mercury, which can cause serious issues if ingested and we can cross off Margarine as it is full of trans fats, the worst of all fats so we are told.
Maybe a bit of exercise then but jogging is bad for the joints and swimming causes strain on the heart.
Oh well, just leaving him to lay on the sofa whinging about not feeling well it is then.


  1. God, even the humor of the left only finds the negative things in life...

    No wonder every leader in american and european history is trashed by the left.
    One "aw shit" wipes out all good.

    Unless, of course, the leader advocates more government, more taxation, more equality... Then the left can ignore:
    - lying (all clinton's),
    - marital infidelity (billy clinton, JFK, LBJ),
    - tax evasion (a dozen of Obama's appointees),
    - greed (clintons, al gore),
    - manipulation (al gore jetting around the world in private jets making millions to protect the environment),
    - military action (obama and drones),
    - racism (many democrat leaders until circa 1980),
    - environmental abuse (obama legalizing fracking),
    - sexism (the same cast that see women as meat: billy clinton, JFK, john edwards, bobby kennedy).

    then it is all good...


  2. It was rather more about self diagnosis on the internet rather than a left wing thing unless you consider the internet to be left wing then you may have a point.
