FOAB Information

Tuesday 31 July 2018

Is It Iran Next For American Aggression?

Ever since Jimmy Carter in the 1970's, every American President has had a war and Donald Trump is not going to be an exception but the question is who will the President decide is the unlucky recipient of American death and destruction.
Despite Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen all going spectacularly awfully, the next war seems to be yet another sandy, middle eastern country and Iran are the current favourites to be on the end of another violent act of American aggression.
Following Trumps all caps tweet in which he threatened Iran will: 'suffer consequences the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered before', the eyes seem to be swivelling towards dealing with Iran although it is a problem of Americas making.
Despite everyone else saying it was working, it was Donald Trump who pulled the US out of the Iranian nuclear accord and imposed sanctions and on the Trump team now is Iraq War architect and all round warmonger John Bolton.
The militarily aggressive Israel is also in the mix have been itching to take out Iran as a rival in the region for decades and it doesn't take much to see the groundwork for war is being laid right before our very eyes.
Iran is being vilified as the bad guy Iran despite currently not bombing, oppressing or invading anyone and is actively fighting terror groups such as ISIS but is being painted as an aggressive, terrorist supporting nation which actively needs confronting. 
They fooled many into supporting them in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya and so they will try again with Iran buts let's be a little bit less gullible this time, this is America's tried and trusted route to yet another war and resulting regime change.

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