FOAB Information

Wednesday 1 August 2018

The Del Boy School Of Brexit

I have always thought that Brexit of any flavour wouldn't happen, that at some point the Government would decide that it would just too much of an economic hit for us to take and would abandon it, hopefully taking enough flak from the 52 percenters to get them removed from Government for a generation.
As the March 2019 deadline approaches i am starting to think that i did not take into account the sheer incompetence of the Conservative Government who have surpassed even the very low bar that i had set for them in disastrous and bungling policies.
There are no deals we could cook up which could be any better than our current arrangements but this hasn't sunk int the heads of the remainers who still delude themselves that we will be somehow better off going our own way from the largest single market in the World.
I say we should cast aside this sorry episode of national humiliation, Brexit was always only a ridiculous pipe-dream anyway, but Theresa May is in such a weak position that she can't so on we go towards the brink with the result of a no-deal and us crashing out to chaos, job losses, civil unrest, the break up of the U.K. and consequences that still have yet to show themselves.
The call for another referendum and a public vote is growing now that we know the facts of what Brexit actually means and maybe this is the strategy, to scare the public into supporting a new vote on Brexit, with the option of abandoning it altogether but that is giving credit to a Government who until now have been following the Del Boy model of how not to run a country.

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