FOAB Information

Wednesday 1 August 2018

Tea Drinkers Dilemma

People take their tea many different ways, my usual method is to make it and set it down to let it cool slightly before forgetting i have a cup of tea and having to make another one.
I know people who insist on their tea being made a certain way, some want their milk first while others want it added last but unless they are in the room watching me, they get it whichever way i throw the ingredients into the cup.
Such is the debate over it that YouGov commissioned a poll to find out the best way to make tea and 80% of people who had far too much time on their hands to answer surveys about how to make tea agreed that it should be hot water before the milk.
They also found out that the majority of Brits prefer their tea to be pale beige but that confuses me because how do the 80% know what colour the brew will be until the milk has been added?
Other tidbits that they found included that 58% of Brits drink tea on a daily basis, with 11% drinking more than five cups a day, while 22% don't drink tea at all.
Conclusive evidence then that 80% of people really shouldn't come around my place for a cuppa because chances are it won't be made the way you like it and colour-wise it could range from anything from darkest black to anemic white and all shades between.

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