FOAB Information

Sunday 27 January 2019

America's Poor Record Of Regime Change

Article 1, International Covenants: ‘All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development. The populations of sovereign and independent states enjoy (as ‘peoples’) the right to determine the system of government and administration, and the substantive nature of their political regime'.

In short, it is against International Law for anyone but the people of a nation to change their own Government so the recent run of Western led Regime Change is not only illegal but has been a complete disaster.
Since 2001 the West has gone to war to remove the Taliban Government from Afghanistan, Saddam Hussein in Iraq and Muammar Gadaffi in Libya resulting in millions of deaths which depressingly continues to grow as the wars and the aftermath continues.
The West has also been either directly involved in conflicts or giving arms and money to rebel forces to try and bring around regime change in Syria to replace Bashar Al Assad, Egypt to unseat Mohamed Morsi and in Ukraine to overthrow Viktor Yanukovych.
The latest target is Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela with America making threats unless he resigns as President but the Americans have a history of an earlier botched regime change in this particular South American nation.
In 2002, the United States gave assistance and intelligence to coup organisers trying to remove the ruling President Hugo Chavez only for it to go wrong and leave a new American enemy in power on their doorstep.
That he went on to do amazing and brilliant things in Venezuela made the attempted regime change even more embarrassing so as America and it's western allies refuse to learn the lesson of a long list of recent regime changes that have gone horrifically wrong, we shouldn't be expecting too much this time around either and the Venezuelans should be petrified.

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