FOAB Information

Sunday 27 January 2019

Sniffling And Sneezing Since Christmas

Some time around Christmas i began sniffing and by New Year it was a full blown cold with all the related bodily fluids leaking, headaches, tiredness, aches and feeling like somebody had swapped my regular shoes for divers boots.  
Then early January, just as I began to feel better, I got sick again and continued my quest to single handedly keep Kleenex in business and now it has happened again with a few days of feeling better, then another dive back into the Lemsip and paracetamol boxes.
The local Chemist, noticing that i was spending the GDP of a small country on cold cures mentioned that they were seeing this returning cold in other people too, that it was a bad year for it.
My mum always said that a cold was five days coming, five days with you and five days going although i would add the rider of a further 5 of a wrecking cough as a legacy of years of puffing on 20 Benson and Hedges a day.
The Chemist did mention that the occasional cold is good for our immune system so after six weeks of spluttering and sneezing i should have the immune system of a rhino.
To those, and there have been plenty, who mention to me that a sniffle, a sneeze or a sore throat isn't really being ill then i look forward to you showing me the right way to handle illness as for the past six weeks i have been kindly leaving an invitation to join me at the Chemist counter on door handles, work surfaces, keyboards and via the air that you have been breathing in since Christmas.
You are very welcome!

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