FOAB Information

Sunday 13 January 2019

China Banning Religion

My usual reaction to anyone who tells me that they are religious is to smile politely, pat them on the head and then completely ignore them but they are going a bit further than that in China and are actively trying to banish the practice. 
Considering the bloodshed and persecution the Church performed thrusting their beliefs on other nations for centuries i should not care and in all honestly, i don't particularly but as my beef with the Church is the way they force their beliefs on people i guess the way the Chinese Atheist Government are going about it doesn't feel particularly right.
Forcibly closing Churches, jailing religious leaders and intimidating churchgoers is not the way President Xi Jinping should be going about things because that stinks of the intolerance of others beliefs that is usually preserved for the religious and atheists are better than that. 
Far better to leave them to their own beliefs and try to educate them that their beliefs are as misguided as belief in the Tooth Fairy or Father Christmas but if they haven't got the braincells to work that out then they aren't that much of a threat anyway.  
The Communist Party plan is to retranslate the Bible to 'establish a correct understanding of the text' although in all probability the reason behind it all is that Christianity is on the rise in China and Christianity is seen as a Western ideal.
I am all for removing religion but i would rather people thought about it long and hard and rejected it themselves then have it imposed on them because that's what the Church does and that is just as wrong.

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