FOAB Information

Friday 11 January 2019

Brexit About To Get More Fun

More and more i hear people moaning about Brexit and how they are bored with hearing about the whole damned thing but now that we are getting to the sharp end of things, its anything but boring and becoming more fun the closer we get to the March deadline.
Just when we all thought that there wasn't any the advantages of Brexit, we are now finding out that actually the main advantage is that we can climb out of bed with the EU and get into the one where Donald Trump is ready to flood our Supermarkets with poisonous chicken from the USA. Yummy.
Theresa May has done the impossible and come up with a deal that nobody on either side of the argument likes, the remainers don't like it because they want another referendum which will reverse Brexit and end all the silliness while the Quitters on the other side read the line 'Leave the EU' as 'tick here to kick all the bloody foreigners out' but May's deal leaves them here still doing the important jobs like nursing.  
As the end crawls closer and the Government face more and more losses in the House of Commons, if you are not enjoying watching the Conservatives tear themselves apart over a mess entirely of there own making then you must be either dead inside or Theresa May.
Even Trump called it political turmoil and that's Trump speaking, a man who you wouldn't trust to face the right way on the toilet so enjoy it because the Conservatives are falling apart in some cosmic karma for being so awful and it's going to get worse before, as we all know deep down in our hearts, Brexit gets pulled and we all carry on as before and it would all have been for nothing.

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