FOAB Information

Thursday 10 January 2019

How America Has Not Been A Force For Good In Middle East

Much of what comes out of the current American Government is laughable but i had to get some extra strong stitches put into my splitting sides after US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, called the US 'a force for good in the Middle East'.
'The United States under President Trump has reasserted its traditional role as a force for good in this region' he said before referring to the US as 'having always been a liberating force, not an occupying power' Pompeo quipped while keeping a commendable straight face.
Such a shame that something like evidence and facts gets in the way of Pompeo's huge whopper, like backing the known Al-Queada operatives who had fought against the USA in Iraq to topple the Libyan government, essentially providing air cover for these jihadist to run rampant across the country, that wasn't particularly a good thing.
Before the Libyan horror show there was the highly misguided and mistaken Iraq war which filled the country with terrorists who made the short trip into Syria and were the grateful recipients of American weapons and financial backing until they crossed back into Iraq when they became the bad guys again, only bad guys now armed with American weapons.
Meanwhile in Afghanistan, the first American invasion is still ongoing and Yemen is being razed to the ground by Saudi Arabia with American backing and Israel continues to poison the whole region while it goes about its deadly business of killing Palestinians who object to their land being stolen and the population held under military occupation.
Then there is the Iran deal which they have pulled out from which was stopping Iran from developing nuclear weapons so how we are supposed to believe that the words 'force for good' could ever be attributed to a nation responsible for the suffering of tens of millions of civilians?
A force for death and bloodshed in the Middle East certainly, but a force for good is a stretch to far for even this appallingly awful American Government.

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