FOAB Information

Wednesday 9 January 2019

Loving Winter

If you write 'I love Summer' into Google you get 3,690,000,000 results but if you write 'I love Winter', you get 3,410,000,000 results which is a result i use to bash all those moaners who whittle on about the cold and dark evenings at this time of year.
In the Northern Hemisphere we are mid-Winter so just about to enter the coldest part of the year in February which will bring the best thing about Winter, snowfall.
Britain inevitably falls apart at the first sight of snow with roads closing, flights and trains cancelled, grit shortages and reports of drivers stuck in snowdrifts for days which just makes the moaners even more louder.
Granted it's not much fun being stuck on the M25 for three days trying to eek out a packets of Cheesy Wotsits until you are rescued but otherwise Winter is a magnificent time of the year.
Waking up in the morning after a heavy fall of snow, everything blanketed in white. The bright moon and stars, the smell from fireplaces, hot chocolate, mulled wine, catching your other half a good one in the back of the head with a well aimed snowball, snowmen and snow angels, warm clothes, long coats and even longer woolen scarfs, coming inside from the cold, the eerily deserted beach, cosying
up to a warm body and putting your cold feet all over them, frosty mornings when you can see your own breath, cold sunny days, Ugg boots, frozen ponds, curling up on the sofa with the latest Stephen King novel and being the first footprints in virgin snow.
The showy brightness of Summer can't match the beauty and romance of Winter so if your feeling cold put on a bloody jumper and stop your whinging and enjoy it because soon it will be June and when you are sitting in your own sweat, swatting away wasps and hurting from sunburn you will wish it was Winter again.

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