FOAB Information

Friday 30 August 2019

Brexit: How Did We Get Here?

You may have noticed that Britain is hurtling towards a no deal deal Brexit and all the problems that will bring to everyone except the same rich politicians pushing for it but how the hell did we get here?
So after taking a deep breath, David Cameron called an in-out referendum and the British voted 52-48 to leave the EU so Dave said he couldn't possibly do that so he resigned and Theresa May took over and she set the leaving date as March 2019 and negotiated a deal with the EU which she put to Parliament three times and each time it was turned down so she resigned and Boris Johnson has
now taken over as Prime Minister and he has set the date of leaving as 31 October 2019 and to limit the chances of Parliament stopping him, he has suspended Parliament for 5 weeks, or prorogued it as it is known, which has caused uproar and he now faces all sorts of scraps and protests next week when Parliament returns. Phew.
I'm sure that there will be all sorts of twists and turns before 31 October and there is talk of a vote of no confidence and Johnson's removal with a Unity Government made up of members for different parties taking over if only they can find someone to coalesce around with Ken Clarke the favourite but certainly not Jeremy Corbyn who even the Labour Party are shaking their heads at.
It's going to be interesting, an absolute disaster without doubt, but interesting.

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