FOAB Information

Friday 30 August 2019

Busy Summer For News Afterall

Another summer over and where generally August is a poor month for news, this August has seen quite a bit happening with a couple of mass shootings in America and after the obligatory mention of the victims being in their prayers and thoughts, nothing was done to prevent the next one so nothing new there. Bad luck Americans.
Jeffrey Epstein died in suspicious circumstances much to the relief of some big names including our very own Prince Andrew who has been accused of all sorts of shenanigans with under-age girls and the denial that he did anything untoward is lessened by the famous photo of him with his arm around the young girl who has accused him.
He has said that he is appalled by the alleged crimes but not that appalled that he stopped socialising with him after his previous prison time for paedophilia.
In a brilliant Trumpian move, the American President asked Denmark if Greenland was for sale and was told 'Skrid med dig!' which made him pout and stick out his lip and call off a visit to Denmark for a planned visit. Denmark dodged a bullet there.
In Britain Boris Johnson promised that he wasn't going to suspend Parliament and then went ahead and suspended it for 5 weeks anyway to try and ram through the no-deal Brexit he has been fantasising about.
So i'm back and tidying up the mess left on the sofa by 31 long dead guest bloggers and looking forward to more madness in a world which seems to have got a whole lot madder recently.

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