FOAB Information

Sunday 15 December 2019

Labour Members Have To Get It Right This Time

Jeremy Corbyn has announced that he will call it a day as leader after failing so spectacularly in this weeks election and the noise coming out from the Labour Party is that the time has come for a woman to take the helm and Labour has an embarrassment of riches when it comes to good, female Politicians which is bad news for Kier Starmer who seems to be the natural successor.
From the old school, is Diane Abbott but she is far to divisive and linked with the Jeremy Corbyn cause so she, along with Emily Thornberry who is another woman it is hard to like, should not be throwing their hats into the ring. 
The only standout from the 'older' brigade is Yvette Cooper, consigned to the back benches by Jeremy Corbyn, she is not tainted by his failures and is likable and engaging and more central-Left Blair Labour than Corbyn hard left Labour. 
Taking the Finland route, some younger Labour women who are mulling over a run to lead the party are Rebecca Long-Bailey and Lisa Nandy who both come across very well, are both very photogenic and have both performed well in the media but both seem a bit lightweight and tend to be talked over by the more forceful MP's.
That is not a problem for Jess Phillips who has spoken out long and loud when she disagrees with something and was not slow to criticise her own side when she disagreed although her manner sometimes comes across as a bit too aggressive.
My personal pick would be Angela Rayner, she has always shown well in media interviews, is as outspoken as Jess Phillips but with a less in your face air and most importantly is Central Left Labour which is where the party needs to get to challenge the Conservatives.
If not Angela Raynor, Yvette Cooper but as the leader is chosen by the Party members, and the last two picks have been Jeremy Corbyn and Ed Milliband, they really need to go less with the heart and more with the head this time or we will be watching repeat of Tory celebrations after the next election also.

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