FOAB Information

Wednesday 18 December 2019

Shame About Tony Blair

It is such a shame about Tony Blair, i was a massive fan of the former Labour from 1997 to 2001 and then hated the sight of him from 2001 to 2007.
A socialist Labour Party leader, he gave us the Tax Credits system and Minimum wage which began to address inequality in the UK but then he threw his lot in with George W Bush and the disastrous War on Terror and became one of the most hated Prime Ministers ever.
The last time he stuck his head above the parapet he was on a book signing tour, trying to flog his autobiography 'A Journey', he was pelted with shoes and eggs and had to be smuggled out the shop back door to avoid the crowds screaming war criminal at him.
Before he lied and twisted the facts to take us to war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Conservatives were in disarray and Labour had a seemingly unassailable lead in whatever poll you cared to look then it all went horribly wrong.
Now as we are facing another Conservative term of Government, what Labour need to find is another Tony Blair, someone centre left who can unite the Party and the Labour voters and they can't afford to get this one wrong because the Conservative majority is such that it is probably not going to be dislodged at the next election unless it does something disastrously wrong, which is always an option with Boris Johnson in charge.
Tony Blair is now speaking out that last week's general election result was 'shameful' and the current Labour Party is 'unelectable' and we should be taking notes from him, he won three elections, the first two with huge majorities, but so far has his star fallen that whatever he says is drowned out by the disastrous decisions he made in 2001.
The Labour Party seems to be firming up behind Rebecca Long-Bailey and either Lisa Nandy or Angela Rayner as deputy and hopefully it will be one of those three because it is a long way back and with such a large majority, we need a strong opposition because a Conservative Party with such a large majority and therefore able to steamroll anything it wants through Parliament, we are going to need one.
What it doesn't need is Tony Blair's advice and that's a real shame because the one who ran the country up until 2001 was one of the best. 

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