FOAB Information

Monday 6 January 2020

Iran: A Quick Recap

Anyone who has been paying attention will know how we reached will know how we have ended up in the current situation with Iran and it all goes back to George W Bush and Tony Blair's Iraq war.
A quick recap is probably in order so in 2003 George W Bush and Tony Blair agreed to remove Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and set about fitting the evidence so that they could sell the war to a highly sceptical public.  
After many false starts they finally settled upon his stockpile of Weapons of Mass Destruction as the reason they had to remove him but after six months of the UN Weapons Inspectors fruitlessly looking and finding nothing, Bush and Blair told them to get out and launched a devastating attack which killed over a million Iraqis and allowed the place to become overrun with Al Queada terrorists.
With Saddam removed the Americans began to withdraw US troops from Iraq leaving a void which Al Queada stepped into and were joined by other terror organisations in the region and underwent another rebranding as Al-Quaeda in Iraq (AQI) and Islamic State (IS).
With the stirrings of revolution in neighbouring Syria, Islamic State refocused its efforts on Syria and this is where Iran join the party, allied to Syria's President, Bashar al Assad, and sent troops to fight against the terrorists .
Embarrassingly, the US were no fans of the Syrian President so they didn't want to arm his military directly so President Obama sought to find elements on the ground who could mount a serious challenge to the battle hardened fighters of IS and after several aborted attempts, ended up giving weapons and training groups affiliated to Islamic State and Al Queada so the weapons were simply handed over to the enemy to use against Western troops.
So with Iran and America on the same side, and with Iran's Qasem Soleimani assistance, Syria repulsed IS recapturing key cities and towns but as this was going on, Iran was developing a nuclear capability and an agreement was reached with Iran and the US, UK, France, China, Russia and Germany which restricted Iran's nuclear ambitions.
The deal, known as The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was upheld and the IAEA, UN and senior American security officials and military officials announced that Iran was abiding by the agreement but then along came Donald Trump to replace Barack Obama.
Calling it the worst deal in history, he withdrew from the deal that has successfully stopped Iran from getting nuclear weapons, imposed sanctions and applying an ever changing list of demands sending aircraft carriers and bombers to sit menacingly off the Iran coast.
Iran continued to comply with its agreements, confirmed by the UN and IAEA, despite American provocations until the assassination of Qassem Suleiman last week in Iraq following the US Embassy being overrun in response to American airstrikes on Iranian controlled storage facilities and command and control locations in Iraq which in turn was a response to the killing of an American contractor days earlier in a rocket attack blamed on Iranian backed militias.
America now decided that Soleimani had to be killed as he was helping Iran spread terrorism around the Middle East by supporting Hamas in Palestine, Hezbullah in Lebanon and the Houthi's in Yemen and was in Iraq to direct an 'imminent attack' on US interests although they have offered no evidence and despite Iranian and Iraq explaining that he was there to pass on a message from Saudi Arabia.
Iraq has now told America to get out of their country and the World waits for Iran retaliation and that is where we find ourselves today, with the Iraq civilians due to suffer the blow-back of a revitalised Al Queada/Islamic State and the demented President in Washington who seems to have made prodding Iran his main aim and could be finally getting the chance to follow the well worn path of his recent American predecessors and instigate a war in the Middle East.

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