FOAB Information

Tuesday 7 January 2020

Sympathy For Iraqi Civilians

Sympathy on a human level for anyone killed in war but the majority of the sympathy goes to the innocent citizens and their families who have died or been maimed by the invading armies and have to live with the result of the horrors of what another nations military did to them when all they wanted to do was survive the horrors all around them.
That is why i have mixed feelings about Iraq telling the Americans to leave their country, as justified as they are in doing so following the assassination of an Iranian General by America in their country.
America and the UK should not have been there in the first place, the Iraq War was a tissue of lies and deceit and they pretty much kicked down the walls of Iraq allowing it to be filled with Al Quaeda terrorists who came armed with car bombs, suicide vests and caused death and mayhem on a devastating scale.
So they should not have been there but they were so i felt that as they caused the mess, they should be made to clear it up so reluctantly accepted they should stay there and if necessary, be the ones who take the murderous brunt of the malign force they unleashed.
Now, following the murder of the Iranian General, Qasem Soleimani, who was helping the Iraq Government fight the growing terrorist threat in their country, they have quite rightly told America to get the hell out of their country, they have bought nothing but trouble to their shores after all so it is understandable.
The problem is that this will allow a rejuvenated Al Queada/Islamic State to return and once again bring further death and destruction to their embattled country.
It is a quandary because without America forces they will once again be facing a full return of the murderous terrorists but with America there they risk being embroiled in yet another devastating war.  
The War George W Bush and Tony Blair started in 2003 is a war that just keeps giving it seems and the  ill-fated Iraqi citizens will once again be caught in the crossfire whatever happens.

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