FOAB Information

Tuesday 7 January 2020

Pick Your Paradise

Considering that all religions are just knock off versions of all the others it is no surprise that there are many similarities between them, most noticeably a paradise which promises everlasting rewards if its followers obey the rules.
For the Aztec people, Mictlan is the place where nearly all mortals went when they died, a peaceful place full of flowers and dancing which sounds nice but not as nice as where Jews go Gan Eden (Hebrew for the Garden of Eden) where the souls of the righteous go to spend eternity with God and is described as being 60 times better than what we experience on Earth.
Norsemen who died in battle went to Valhalla but everyone else went to Fólkvangr, which was a great big field very similar to the ones the Egyptians went to when they died called the Elysian Fields, a land of eternal peace, with magnificent crops and bread and beer which never went stale.
The ultimate destination for Hindu's is Vaikuntha where it is filled with love and fellowship and everyone is young and beautiful and the forests have wish-giving trees which is better than a wind-swept island called Tir Na Nog in the Atlantic Ocean for the Irish said to be a place of eternal happiness run by fairies.
Also in the Ocean was the Celtic Otherworld where sickness, old age, famine, war, and all other evils of the world are banished while the Christians version of heaven is pretty well known, described as a  great city, unparallelled in beauty, with walls made of precious jewels and streets made of gold.
As an atheist i am destined for a muddy six foot hole or a furnace but given the choice i quite like the idea of bread and beer that never goes stale so pencil me in for the Egyptians Elysian Fields.

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