FOAB Information

Wednesday 8 January 2020

More Tobin, Less Kelly

There was a great moment on Good Morning Britain this week where the Weathergirl, Laura Tobin, tore into the climate change sceptic Australian MP Craig Kelly after saying that there was no evidence to suggest a warming climate and also said it was nonsense that lower carbon dioxide emissions could reduce bush fires.
During the interview he said that the fires were caused by poor forest management and not climate change leading to Tobin roasting him with the science which overwhelmingly shows the global climate is going up and breaking all historical records worldwide but that is where she went wrong because presenting climate deniers with the science in the vain hope that they’ll change their minds never works.
Australia is a hotbed for climate scepticism and Ipsos polling finds that Australia lags behind other nations in acknowledging the threat of climate change despite the wildfires raging across their nation.
Ironically, the blame for the fires is being put on environmentalists for blocking the removal of dead trees or caused by climate activists or climate terrorism as it is being called.
There are basically four reasons for denying the reality of global warming caused by man made greenhouse gases, either the MP's have received large donations by fossil fuel interests, the refusal to believe anything that means facing up to the fact their current lifestyle is condemning future generations to misery and taking a strange pleasure in holding an opposite view to everyone else.
The fourth is that they are just ignorant idiots too dumb to understand or take on board what 99% of climate scientists have been screaming from the rooftops for decades and that seems to be where most climate change deniers find themselves.
More people listening to the Tobin's and less taking any notice of the Kelly's would be a good start.

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