FOAB Information

Friday 20 March 2020

Social Distancing For The Long Haul

My Saturday plans for a trip to the gym followed by sinking a few lunchtimes shandies at the pub and finishing off at a restaurant before a film have been scuppered as the Government tighten the grip on Social Distancing by closing down places where people congregate.
No complaints though, it is sorely needed if it is going to save lives and could have been implemented even sooner but from tomorrow everything changes but the question is how long will the restrictions remain.
The first time frame given was 12 weeks but the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) recommended the strict measures staying in place for a year while 18 months has also been floated by the Imperial College of London using modeling.
One unknown factor is the arriving Summer and warmer weather with strong Ultra Violet Rays disrupting the virus but whatever it is, 12 weeks or 18 months, we are in this for the long haul.

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