FOAB Information

Friday 20 March 2020

Stopping The Internet Buckling

With so many people now working from home, the internet is coming under considerable strain, so much so that YouTube and Netflix have said they will reduce the streaming quality of videos due to the unprecedented usage during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Vodafone has reported a 30% rise in internet traffic across its home Wi-Fi and mobile networks this week, while TalkTalk has seen traffic jump 20% since Monday and advised that the traditional 'busy" period' between 6pm and 8pm now extends all the way back to 1pm.
Internet providers have said that they are nowhere near the maximum capacity of their networks being maxed out but some people have already noticed that their home broadband speeds are dwindling and earlier this week almost all of the UK's major mobile networks all went down at once.
Facebook have acknowledged that the effects of the pandemic are stretching it, saying that services are facing 'big surges in usage' and compared it to what they would normally see on New Years Eve
Networking company Sandvine said that video accounts for over 60% of data delivered from internet providers to consumers with Netflix accounting for just under 12% of total traffic with YouTube another 12%.

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