FOAB Information

Tuesday 14 April 2020

Andrew Cuomo, The Man The USA Needs

I have only seen the low-lights of Trumps train wreck of a briefing from yesterday but it is great to see the American media finally grow a spine and push back on his lies and misdirection's regarding the Coronavirus outbreak. 
He ended up looking even more laughably ridiculous than normal and that is no mean feat considering the things the nut had said previously and i am sure that there are some Americans who will still stand by him, every nation has its useful idiots who are too gullible, naive or just plain stupid to see what everyone else can but that is their look out but someone i am more and more impressed with is New York Govenor, Andrew Cuomo.
I know a bunch of New Yorker's and he is the typical stereotypical ballsy New Yorker with a record that includes legalising same-sex marriage, campaigns for fighting climate change, introduced the strictest gun control law in the U.S, expanded Medicaid, raised taxes for the wealthy and lowered taxes for the middle class and increased the minimum wage so immediately he sounds a good guy.
Andrew Cuomo has been the voice of calm and reason whilst the President has been become more and more unhinged and immature as the criticism grows and one poll put Coumo’s handling of the outbreak at 87% approval with New Yorker's.
While America needs someone articulate, factual, empathetic, honest, blunt and a leader they have the walking, talking joke that is Trump, they could do much worse then look at Cuomo to take over and restore America's badly tattered reputation and the Democrats must now be looking at Joe Biden with an air of buyer's remorse.

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