FOAB Information

Tuesday 14 April 2020

Special Guest Blogger: King George VI

I attended the Royal Naval College and came bottom of the class in the final examination, but despite this i progressed to the Royal Naval College, Dartmouth which surprised many as i should have flunked out.
It would appear that the heads of department discussed my merits and decided that i was certainly very much a member of the royal family and particularly liked my Prince George quality and noticed that i was a very impressive next in line to the throne.
My background of my father being the King of England proved that i showed promise but when they made a film of my life, the main focus was on my horrible stutter which was made worse by the stresses of being a British royal and have a dickish older brother, Edward.
He not only had a hard on for Hitler and his Nazi's but met him and he dined with Rudolf Hess and openly talked about overthrowing me after Adolf won the War so no surprise i had a bloody stutter.
I was friends with Neville Chamberlain and supported him when he returned from that Munich meeting and waved a piece of paper around declaring peace in our time with the Fuhrer and thought Winston Churchill a grotty little pisshead but in the end Churchill took over and i had to work with the drunken idiot.
Truth is i never wanted to be King and only took over once Edward jacked it in to go off with his American floosy and my daughter seems to have made a decent fist of it after i died and her Grandchildren, Harry especially, is a man after my own heart and if i knew that buggering off to Canada instead of being a Royal was an option, i would have done so also.

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