FOAB Information

Monday 13 April 2020

Releasing The Lock Down

It was always optimistic that the Government lock down would be ended anytime soon and although they haven't said as much, they have hinted they will be extending it for another three weeks but eventually they will have to bring us all back blinking into the sunlight but the question is how will they do it.
Release the lock down too early and they risk a second wave and the massive effort people have made across the country is wasted as we revert back to the position we was in mid-March.
The Government thinking seems to be wide scale testing with those who have had the disease, and have some immunity to it, being released to go back to work but 67 million tests when they have only managed a fraction so far, that is a tall order.
The Governments original idea of Herd Immunity, when large portions of the country suffer the disease and then recover depriving the virus of fresh bodies to infect was heavily criticised but one solution being considered is to have a cycle of lockdowns and short-term releases until either a vaccine is discovered or the required number of infectees have been reached but with that comes a large death toll of the elderly and vulnerable which is why the tactic was dismissed in the first place.  
There has been a suggestion that those who have had the virus be issued with 'immunity certificates' allowing them to return to normal life but that opens the door to people exposing themselves to the virus so they can get back to normal life.
The only real solution is a vaccination but as that is 18 months away, the Government has some hard decisions to make.

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