FOAB Information

Monday 13 April 2020

Final Twist Of The Knife From Covid-19

As the sadly increasing numbers of the dead over the last 24 hours get read out at the Government daily briefings, it is hard sometimes to connect the figures with actual people, 717 today for the grim total of 11,329 people whose lives have been taken by the Coronavirus in the UK.
Someone in my block died recently and their funeral was today, i did not know them but i watched from the balcony as the hearse drew up to a small crowd, obediently spaced out, and then left again followed by a single car containing one person leaving the weeping crowd to disperse.
As if this disease is not cruel enough, when it has finished it's dastardly work and the body has ceased living, the funeral is an additional knife in the heart for the family and friends who are unable to attend the final send off.  
It is heartbreaking to think of those numbers, buried with a solitary mourner, their families robbed not only of their loved one but also the chance to say goodbye.

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