FOAB Information

Tuesday 21 April 2020

Branson's £500m

The Government showed an amazing amount of restraint today when a multi-billionaire tax exile for the past 14 years asked for a £500 million government bailout of his Virgin Atlantic airline.
Rather than replying with just two words, the second being 'Off', the Government just ignored him and carried on trying to explain how a shipment of PPE which they guaranteed would be here on Sunday was still in a warehouse in Turkey.
Richard Branson, a man who once sued the NHS for losing out on a contract, has already seen his Virgin Australia airline enter voluntary administration after the Australian Government stamped 'REFUSED' on a request for a £710m from their taxpayers and the British taxpayers are unlikely to be moved by his reason for living in the Tax Haven that is the British Virgin Islands is due to 'liking the weather' as he explained yesterday.
As the Government balked at a £100m loan of taxpayer funds for the airline Flybe, and with a looming economic crisis which nobody wants to think about, it is unlikely that someone who is worth £4 billion, lives in a tax haven and sued the darlings of the people is going to get a different answer to the one he got from the Aussies but if the Government have got money to spare and the choice is spending on nurses down to their last set of gowns or on Dicky Branson down to his last island, not difficult to know where to spend it.

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