FOAB Information

Tuesday 21 April 2020

Special Guest Blogger: Henry Ford

My car company gave me an accumulated wealth of $200 billion and i could afford all the best food and wines but i did have a penchant for eating weeds, my good friend and famous botanist George Washington Carver and i would regularly eat sandwiches stuffed with random weeds, freshly plucked straight from the ground.
I popularised the motor car with my simple and cheap Model T, in black of course due to black paint drying quicker and in 19 years we sold 15,007,034 of them. 
I also introduced the 40-hour week which is now standard but i was foremost a pacifist and oppossed American entry into WW1 and WW2 although that didn't stop me turning a neat profit by building war machines for both sides.
It's no secret that i had a certain amount of sympathy for the Nazi leader, mainly due to my belief that anyone who hated the Jews that much must have been an okay kind of guy.
At the time many prominent Americans praised Hitler and it was the ones who continued to think the sun shone out of his Arsch when we realised he was more than a little warmongery but i was a little late to that game, continuing to throw money at the German Fuhrer's side for eight months after the U.S. had entered the war.
I was foremost a businessman and Ford-Werke, my German subsidiary, remained operational throughout the war, happily manufacturing gear for the German military machine and using POWs as forced labor, those Panzers didn't just make themselves you know and Jewish POW's were cheap.
Hitler's Anti-Semitic views were actually partly inspired by me, as owner of the Dearborn Independent, my editorials included headlines such as 'The Jews are the scavengers of the world' and 'Wherever there's anything wrong with a country, you'll find the Jews on the job there', i was particularly proud of that one.
Hitler loved my journalistic efforts and even directly lifted some of my musings for his own book Mein Kampf, especially the ideas that the Jews were mentally defective and the World was at risk of succumbing to Jewish domination.
I would like to think that as the Jews never gained World domination, i played a significant role in that as well so let that be my legacy.

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