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Monday 20 April 2020

Royals, Tabloids, Piers Morgan

As i don't care a flying fig for the Royals and care about as much for the British tabloids, i am really not bothered either way about the latest uproar with Harry and Meghan now saying they will not be engaging with The Sun, Mirror, Express or Mail newspapers and their Sunday counterparts in future but at least it is a distraction from the Coronavirus news.
There has been a long running battle between the couple and the papers and this Friday is the first hearing in their case against The Mail who have a pathetically weak excuse for publishing extracts of a letter Meghan wrote to her father and will be hopefully taken to the cleaners by the Royals.
Self appointed twat, Piers Morgan, is leading the crusade against the couple, this morning calling their decision 'egotistical' and labeling them 'a pair of repulsive, deluded narcissistic tools'.
As a repulsive, deluded narcissistic tool himself he would know but it wasnt that long ago he tweeted she was 'perfect princess material' and 'a lovely lady; smart, warm, funny and more than a match for Prince Harry' so what happened?
Seems Piers and Meghan were pals on Social Media back in the days before she met Harry and then after she came to England and they went for a drink together and then, in his words, 'I never heard from her again. Not a word. I'd been ghosted'.
So the reason he hates her and has carried out a nasty and sustained campaign against her is because she hurt his feelings but if he didn't want her to know just how much of a repulsive tool he actually is, he shouldn't have met her and kept it on Social Media. 
Anyway, Royals, British Tabloids, Piers Morgan...hopefully the squabble between them may mean they all just go away.

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