FOAB Information

Monday 20 April 2020

Oh Boy

It's significant that most of the protesters at the Demonstrations against the lock-down in America are waving Trump flags, never the sharpest tools in the box to start with and what's the link with being a Trump supporter and facial hair?
It's one thing to protest against your Governor trying to keep you safe from dying and stopping you from infecting and possibly killing your own friends and family, but why would you turn up on the protest with semi-automatic weapons?  
Protest by all means, it makes you look like an ignorant idiot but the USA is almost a free country and all that but turn up armed and you look like an idiot and a dangerous crackpot but at least if you are going to turn up holding a 'Covid-19 is a lie' sign, don't wear head-to-toe protective gear, it kind of detracts from your message.

As we are on the subject of nutjob Americans with guns, was nice to read that last month was the first March without a school shooting in America for 18 years, i think they may have cracked how to stop school mass shootings, don't ban guns, ban kids going to school.
The NRA are probably getting the leaflets printed out already. 

1 comment:

  1. it is also not true. the protesters that were shown were pro-trump. i've been told by eye witnesses that vast majority were a mish mash of society and represented the borad american population.

    so, once again, you use selected facts (so, you aren't lying). but you and your professional journalist peers are misleading to shove your biased views down our throats.

    nice... NOT
