FOAB Information

Thursday 2 April 2020

Coronavirus Myths

People are scared and when they are scared they believe some stupid things although to be fair i have seen many blogs and websites where the owner is not necessarily scared but just a massive idiot but anyway, there are a few myths being blogged about Coronavirus that need to be stamped on pretty quick. 
I have seen that eating garlic will stop the virus from taking hold in your body which has been poo pooed by medicine but eat enough and it will help with social distancing because nobody will want to come within 2m of you.
Another claim that is bogus but will keep people from getting too close is washing or gargling with cow's urine and as charming as that sounds, you could also try drinking lots of lemon juice or Pepper Soup which is being bandied around as also repelling the virus although they won't but at least if you do catch it you wont turn up at the hospital with your breath smelling of cow pee. 
Drinking water every 15 minutes to flush the virus out your system won't stop it nor will drinking black tea or avoiding cold foods like ice cream or milkshakes to keep your body temperature down and Vodka doesn't have enough alcohol content to kill the virus so don't waste it by washing your hands in it, just drink the damned stuff.  
Being able to hold your breath for 10 seconds isn't a test for not having a lung infection, it just means you can hold you breath for 10 seconds and blood banks don't give you a free Coronavirus test prior to taking your blood, you will probably get a biscuit afterwards though.
Vaccines are not being tested on Africans to test of they are safe for Westerners as there is no vaccine yet, just a few clinical trials and people with black skin are not resistant to Covid-19, true there are fewer cases in Africa but that is due to Coronaviruses not being so cocky and being able to infect people quite so easily in high temperatures.
Finally, you don't need to shave your beard to protect against the virus, you should shave your beard because it makes you look like a dipstick, especially if you have one of those hipster styles things stuck on your chin.

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