FOAB Information

Thursday 2 April 2020

Essential Or Non Essential

There seems to be some confusion over what is regarded as an essential item when you go shopping and the Government advice is as unclear as pretty much any advice offered by the Government over the past few weeks.
The guidance is that you can leave your houses for 'very limited purposes such as to buy basic necessities' but doesn't expand on what you will be in trouble carrying our of Tesco if a policeman looks in your bag, especially as news that police in Warrington have been stopping people from buying Easter eggs as they are 'non essential'.
The Prime Minister's official spokesman said: 'We have set out which shops can remain open. If a shop is allowed to remain open it will of course sell whatever items it has in stock' which seems to mean if the shop sales it, you can buy it.
Obviously if you're going out solely to get non essential items and get stopped walking home with just a 2 liter bottle of Dr Pepper and a four pack of Twirls in your bag then that's a definite no-no but if you are at a Supermarket shopping for your essentials and decide to buy a few non essentials as well, as you are already out and about then it does not significantly increase the corona risk.
The rule seems to be then as long as you buy some essentials such as bread, milk, eggs, toilet roll etc you can pretty much pick up all the non essential items sold at that store at the same time.

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