FOAB Information

Saturday 25 April 2020

Grim Coronavirus League Table

Every leader of every nation is assuring their citizens that they are doing their absolute best to keep their citizens safe from Coronavirus as the death toll continues to rise around the World but it is hard to compare nations like for like, the United States has far more Covid-19 deaths than any other country, as of today over 52,000 deaths, double the amount of the next nearest country Italy, but the US has a population of 330 million people, approximately the same as the whole of Europe. 
Then there are the ways that the figures are recorded, Britain only include deaths in hospitals while some other countries take account of all deaths regardless of where they happened so the grim figures given out every day can be misleading but one measure is how many deaths have occurred compared with the size of a country's population as the table to the left shows the numbers of deaths per million people.
This though is problematic as top of the depressing league table is San Marino with 1,179 deaths per million citizens but the principality only has a population of about 34,000 which skews the figures horribly.
If you take the first decent sized country, Belgium seems to be the worst hit with 597 deaths per million citizens followed by Spain (482), Italy (430), France (341) and then the UK with 287.
Of the two most populous countries, China with a population of 1.4 billion has 3 deaths per million and India which has a population 1.3 billion is towards the bottom of the league with 0.6 per million so again, the figures are distorted.
Nations are also at different stages of the outbreak so if a country's first case was early in the global outbreak, then it has had longer for its death toll to grow.
Then there is the problem of the different political systems, the numbers from
China have been continually questioned and even the UK has been accused of underestimating the death toll as it does not count the deaths in Care Homes which some have put at the same as deaths in hospital which are being counted.
Some countries also went quickly for a full on lock-down, some seemed to meander slowly towards one while some, such as Sweden, have kept things relatively light and just warned their citizens to adhere to social distancing but until this outbreak is over and the devastating final toll is known, we won't know for sure which countries have dealt with the virus better but hopefully we will learn, if it ever happens again, whose example to follow.


  1. Yes, thanks for the data.

    Some american leftist ass that worked for Obama was in Europe talking about the shitty US health care and how great it was in Europe...

    to me it looks like US health care may be better than that of Belgium, SPain, Italy, France, UK, Netherlands, Ireland, Sweden, Switerzland...

    ...hey, wait, aren't those in Europe?

  2. He may not be wrong

    World Health Organization (WHO) Ranking of the World’s 100 Best Health Systems

    1 France
    2 Italian HealthCare System
    7 Spain Healthcare
    17 Netherlands
    18 UK Healthcare System
    19 Irish Healthcare
    20 Switzerland
    21 Belgium
    22 Sweden
    36 US HealthCare

    Commonwealth Fund
    According to a recent publication from the Commonwealth Fund

    Among the nations studied in this report –

    1 United Kingdom,
    2 Switzerland,
    3 Sweden,
    4 Australia,
    5 the Netherlands,
    5 Germany,
    7 New Zealand,
    7 Norway,
    9 France,
    10 Canada,
    11 United States

    Most Costly Healthcare in the World (WHO)

    1. USA
    2. Luxembourg
    3. Norway

  3. those publications must not take into account the ability to deal with a pandemic

    i'm surprised the WHO didn't rank china number 1

    everything costs more in america because we are wealthier, and we have more choices than everyone else, and we have the most complex nation:

    luxenbourg? is that a town?
    norway? about the size of Houston, TX

    stop the bullshit comparisons...
