FOAB Information

Saturday 25 April 2020

20,000 UK Deaths Milestone Surpassed

At the start of the Coronavirus outbreak, the government's chief scientific adviser, Patrick Vallance, said of Covid-19 deaths: 'If we can get this down to 20,000 and below, that is a good outcome' but as the grisly total passed that today, we have obviously moved beyond a good outcome so where are we headed now?
The original number was 250,000 deaths if the lock-down was not implemented although in reality, as the 20,319 figure of deaths released today only counts the deaths of patients with Coronavirus in UK hospitals, the UK probably passed the 20,000 deaths mark a long time ago.
As the numbers are now being revised, the University College London's Institute for Global Health has estimated the UK could see 40,000 deaths while the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation are pitching the figure as between 38,000 and 66,000. 
It is 51 days since the first virus-related death was announced in the UK but the signs are that that we have passed the peak of deaths but the UK now becomes the fifth country to announce Coronavirus-related deaths exceeding 20,000 after the US, Spain, Italy and France.
What is becoming clear is that by the Government Ministers constantly repeating that all the way through the pandemic, they have 'followed the science', when the inevitable inquiry is launched into just how badly they have managed the pandemic, the fingers will be pointed sharply towards the scientists who were giving them the advice.

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