FOAB Information

Saturday 25 April 2020

Kim Jung-Un Dead Reports

Every so often news breaks on Social Media of a celebrity death only for the aforementioned celebrity to pop up and prove they are very much alive but my Social Media accounts are currently showing North Korea's leader Kim Jung Un has died.
I know that many media outlets are currently trying desperately to get it either verified or denied by the Korea Central News Agency, the state news agency of North Korea, or any other state media but as it is North Korea, it isn't easy but the speculation may have some legs because it was reported this week that Kim was recovering after undergoing a cardiovascular procedure which is why he missed an event to mark the birthday of his grandfather, Kim Il-sung, on 15 April, an important anniversary in North Korea and China sent a medical team to North Korea on Thursday to check on Kim.
The 36 year old is known as a heavy smoker, he is grossly overweight and there is a family history of cardiovascular problems and media outlets in China and Japan are reporting he died following complications from the surgery to insert a stent in his artery, the HKSTV Hong Kong Satellite Television is citing the news of his death has come from 'a very solid source'.
Kim's younger sister, 32 year old Kim Yo-jong, has been designated as his successor but it is unknown whether a woman could become the North Korean leader but she was reported to have taken over state duties for her ailing brother in 2014 while he underwent medical treatment.

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