FOAB Information

Saturday 18 April 2020

Science Based On Four Monkeys

I'm no medical person, what i know about medicine would only fit on the padded bit of a plaster if you used a very large font but i have my concerns over the overwhelming reasoning that once you have been infected with Covid-19, you are immune and can safely go back to doing whatever it was you was doing before March.
The UK government has bought 3.5 million tests which measure levels of raised antibodies in the blood which the body uses to fight the virus and therefore giving the person immunity from being re-infected but nobody actually knows if there is immunity and if there is, how long it is for.
The World Health Organisation has warned there is no evidence that people who have had Covid-19 cannot be infected again and there have been some reports of people in South Korea, China and Japan, who had been given the all-clear after having Covid-19 but then tested positive for the virus a second time although it may be that the initial tests used were faulty.
Early signs from small animal experiments in China show Macaques monkeys exposed to the virus who recovered had antibodies to the virus in their bloodstream but it seems a bit of a leap to be basing the whole process of exposing billions of people to possible infection based on the results from four Chinese monkeys.
NewScientist magazine point out that there are other Coronaviruses circulating among humans and although they induce immunity, this is relatively short-lived, at around three months.
I understand the keenness to get people back to work and reopen the economy, my other worry is just how draconian the UK Governments response will be for an economy that is being worse hit than the 2008 economic crash, but with 155,000 deaths Worldwide, 14,476 in the UK, the first priority has to be making sure that gruesome number doesn't increase by much more until we know for certain that returning workers are immune, and if they are, for how long.

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