FOAB Information

Saturday 18 April 2020

Special Guest Blogger: Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg

Towards the end of WWII, when things were rapidly going downhill for the German nation, a conspiracy was hatched by us more humane Nazi officers to assassinate Hitler and overthrow his government, a plot we called Operation Valkyrie.
My brother and i planned to use a suitcase bomb to blow Hilter into little biddy sauerkraut pieces but not only Hitler but Hermann Goering and Heinrich Himmler as well during one of our weekly military strategy meetings but it was almost impossible to get all three together in the same room at the same time so each week i would end up carrying a suitcase of explosives back out of the room with me again.
I finally gave up the plan to get them all together and decided i would just blow up Hitler anyway and exploded a bomb inside Hitler's conference room with a remote detonator but Hitler had extraordinary damage absorption abilities and survived with only minor injuries.
When the explosion tore through the hut, four people were killed but Hitler himself was shielded from the blast by the heavy, solid-oak conference table leg, which i had stupidly placed the briefcase bomb behind, doh!
I fled when i saw he was explosion-proof but some of my fellow conspirators, realising that the Fuhrer was not as forgiving as his fiery public speeches and penchant for genocide led us to believe, they either committed suicide, or handed themselves in and named everyone involved to save their own skin.
For my involvement i was executed by firing squad and my brother, Berthold, was given a truly breath-taking execution, they strangled and then revived him multiple times with the entire scene filmed for Hitler to view at his leisure.

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