FOAB Information

Friday 1 May 2020

Biden And Reade Allegations Heading For A Draw

From what i know about the Joe Biden sex assault allegations by Tara Reade, i can already see that it is headed for an unsatisfactory ending for both the accuser and the accussed.
Reade alleges that Biden sexually assaulted her in a corridor in 1993, Biden refutes the allegations but neither has the evidence to back up their stance so it becomes her word against his which is why it is destined to end as unsatisfactory.
What will happen is that both of them will either be castigated or dismissed even without evidence, Biden will be labelled a sexual predator by his opponents, Reade will be labelled a liar who shouldn't be believed by those who back Biden in much the same way the case against Brett Kavanaugh by Christine Blasey Ford played out. 
While there is no evidence supporting either person, then it is wrong to reach any kind of conclusion based on nothing more than if you support his or her political leanings.
Because someone accused Biden then it doesn't automatically mean it must be true but by the same token, because he has denied it then it doesn't automatically mean he didn't do it. 
One of them must be telling the truth and nobody should be jumping to conclusions until it is fully settled without reasonable doubt which of these it is, the problem they both face is proving it in order to settle it.

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