FOAB Information

Friday 1 May 2020

Trump's Latest Conspiracy Theory

The US President is pushing the conspiracy theory that the virus may have escaped from a lab in Wuhan although the US intelligence and scientific communities have pointedly declined to back this up and say there is no current evidence for this claim.
The conspiracy points at two laboratories in Wuhan who were studying bat Coronaviruses and the theory is that either the Chinese scientists were engaged in experiments with bat Coronavirus and the virus then escaped and infected humans or sloppy security among lab staff released the virus into the world.
The consensus coming from people who know about these things reject both theories, saying: 'the genetic data irrefutably shows that Covid-19 is not derived from any previously used virus backbone
' and pointing out that there suspicions were that it began with an animal host 'before zoonotic transfer and natural selection in humans following zoonotic transfer'.
Peter Ben Embarek, an expert at the World Health Organization in animal to human transmission of diseases explained that if there had been any manipulation of the virus you would expect to see evidence in the gene sequences and the head of the largest biocontainment facility in the US said quite blankly that: 'There is convincing evidence that the new virus was not the result of intentional genetic engineering and that it almost certainly originated from nature, given its high similarity to other known bat-associated coronaviruses'.
As for the lax security, Le Duc said that security measures there were: 'of the quality and safety measures as any currently in operation in the US or Europe'.
Of course you don't have to take the word of experts in their fields with decades of experience and believe the stable genius who said the way to protect yourself against the virus was to inject yourself with disinfectant, you would be a raging idiot obviously, but you could.

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