FOAB Information

Wednesday 27 May 2020

No Face Related Services

Safe sex always used to mean using a condom or making sure that the bedroom door was locked but in the age of a pandemic it is even more important that the shifty men hanging around outside brothels, those ones 'whose wives doesn't understand them' abide by new rules and the Swiss Sex workers’ Union, ProKoRe, have produced guidelines for sex workers, one job where social distancing may present a bit of a problem.
ProKoRe advise the use of certain sexual positions that keep the client and prostitute’s faces as far apart as possible while other bits as close as possible and a session should not last longer than 15 minutes and sheets and lingerie washed after every visit with disinfectant detergent.
No face touching, cuddling or kissing and strictly off the sex menu is 'face-related services' but most worrying is the men having to pay for a 15 minute session but i guess to get their moneys worth, most men could just spend the final 12 minutes of that time just chatting. Right girls!!

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